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Ing.Andrea Peco

Andrea Peco
Milan, 1973


He graduated in Building Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2001, the same year he joined Starching with the task of leading the company to obtain the ISO 9001 certification, achieved one year later. Over the years he has held roles of increasing responsibility in the technical field, integrated architectural design, construction management and safety coordination and became a partner in 2008.  Nowadays he is Director of safety coordination and responsible for the application of D.Lgs 81/08 and s.m.i. on all STARCHING works. He is an expert in highly complex construction sites and has developed ad hoc methodologies for the design phase with the support of BIM technology and, during the execution phase, he coordinates the work of the inspectors in charge. He deals with the application of cost control processes and cost estimation and is responsible for the maintenance of Quality and BIM management systems into Starching.

Starching Milan